Maximize the potential of your fleet

Is your airline's fleet made up of multiple equipment types? Are you maximizing the profitability potential of your aircraft assignment?

Allocating the aircraft in your fleet to your schedule based on bookings – actual and forecasted – helps maximize your profitability.

MP2 AeroFleetAssigner is a powerful fleet allocation optimization solution that:

  • automatically assigns individual aircraft to legs in your schedule

  • can be used for both long term planning and close to operation scenarios

  • can be interfaced with revenue management and booking systems

  • will upgauge and downgauge aircraft types according to bookings and forecasted demand

  • will maximise turnover

  • will reduce costs

  • minimizes spill passengers

  • generates fully costed simulations of multiple fleet assignment scenarios including projected revenues

  • delivers significant improvements even in fleets with limited equipment variety

  • supports full tail-based assignment, including for export to external solutions

  • considers maintenance requirements and other factors that effect aircraft availability 

Even the smallest of percentage improvement delivered by optimizing fleet assignment can lead to big gains to the bottom line.

MP2 AeroFleetAssigner can perform optimizations on both a leg basis and according to origin-destination pairs.

Contact us to find out more, request an online demo of MP2 AeroFleetAssigner.


Three questions for... Emanuel Lind


Ahead of IATA's 145th Slot Conference: How are you managing your airline's slots?