Visualizing the profitability impact of your schedule
-Reports and Analysis
-Profit, cost, revenue calculations
The AeroReporter is a strategic analysis tool combining an airline’s planning and financial processes. Making astute management decisions helps determine an airline’s profitability. While airline operations have traditionally been a rather static business, today’s increasing competition and volatile markets call for rapid changes requiring agile and proactive management decisions. An important key to profitability improvement for the airline is the bridging of its planning and financial processes.
Financial Management and Strategic Planners are given the possibility to exactly calculate and overview all associated costs and revenue connected to the operation.
Production analysis
Having the ability to overview and then analyze data from schedules, fleets, passenger demand, from both a cost and revenue perspective, to a very detailed level, the user gets a clearer picture of where and why the company is generating or losing income. A large variety of reports using key figures are available and can be shown on any level that the user defines. The versatility of being able to make selections on many levels and at varying degrees of detail is what makes MP² so extraordinarily useful.
Strategic decision support
Usually an airline makes use of various systems in its planning process. The AeroReporter gathers and presents facts and figures, obtained from different data sources and systems within the company, to provide reliable and detailed strategic decision support. The system dynamically recalculates and updates all costs and revenue, as changes are made along the planning chain.
Tools available from within the AeroReporter give the possibility to easily compare scenario outcomes with the original plan, which enables the user to identify and analyze both the planned and operated production. Any number of schedules can be loaded for analysis and comparison.