MP² Bus



MP² is the strategic network planning, scheduling and analysis tool for bus service operators.

The system makes it possible for bus transportation companies to combine planning and scheduling in combination with financial processes. The impact from any change made to the schedule is directly visible in the system, seen from the perspective of both revenue and associated costs. MP² will consider day, month and season. It all depends on the resulting data that you would like to analyze.

Transparent Operational Efficiency and Easy to Use Functionalities
MP²s ‘ease-of-use’ allows Schedule Planners to quickly create different scenarios and compare the solutions. Having the ability to overview and then analyze data from schedules, vehicle assignments, passenger demand and also to consider driver/crew planning, both from a cost and revenue perspective, gives the user a clear picture of from where and why the company is generating or losing income. All results are easily presented in a range of pre-defined and user-created reports. With the help of MP² the operational efficiency of any transport company will become very transparent.


Discover our MP² Bus packages and their capabilities: