News from Industrial Optimizers


James Gardner James Gardner

Event calendar - Meet us here

Come and find out more about our planning, scheduling, optimization and analytical tools for transport operators.

Our team attend various industry events each year to meet with our clients and introduce our MP2 solution to new audiences.

In the upcoming months we will be at:

Do you want to find out more about how our solutions improve planning processes? Meet us at one of the events we’re attending - or contact us to set up a call at the time that works best for you.

You can always find our full event attendance calendar here.

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James Gardner James Gardner

MP2 - Making holistic airline planning possible

Industrial Optimizers' MP2 suite of airline planning tools has been developed to make holistic planning possible. Instead of ineffective step-by-step approaches, MP2 allows users to solve multiple problems in the same solution.

The schedule is the driver for practically every revenue and cost line: from the seats available for sale, to the crewing levels needed to operate.

That's why understanding every consequence of your planned schedule is key to maximizing profitability.

Cost-driving resource requirements attached to your schedule include crew, maintenance and ground staff costs. Fleet requirements, fuel and aeronautical charges are also directly driven by the schedule. The number of passengers – actual and predicted – along with connectivity and competition are just some of the revenue driving factors linked to the shape of your schedule.

Industrial Optimizers' MP2 suite of airline planning tools has been developed to make holistic planning possible. Instead of ineffective step-by-step approaches, MP2 allows users to solve multiple problems in the same solution. MP2 users can build and compare unlimited scenarios to determine the most profitable schedule to fly. MP2 can be connected to multiple data sources, from simple spreadsheets to third party systems such as revenue management and accounting tools. This allows MP2 to determine your resource requirements, costs and revenue potential.

With its constraint management tools and inbuilt legality checking features, MP2 only builds schedules scenarios that can be put into operation.

MP2 is is a modular tool. Airlines can license the modules that meet their requirements. All modules work in the same user interface for a seamless experience for the end user. Find out about our MP2 suite by clicking on the wheel below.

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James Gardner James Gardner

Put profitability at the heart of your network with MP2's Clean Sheet Scheduler

MP2 for Airlines includes Clean Sheet Scheduler technology. Find out more about how this builds the most profitable airline schedules here.

The world of airline network planning is dynamic and demanding. Balancing operational constraints and market demand to build the most profitable schedule is time consuming and challenging. That's why the MP2 suite of airline planning tools is available with Clean Sheet Scheduler technology.

Introducing the Clean Sheet Scheduler

The Clean Sheet Scheduler in MP2 creates schedules - either whole or part - from scratch. By drawing on MP2's constraint manager and maintenance planning features, Clean Sheet Scheduler only creates schedules that are operationally viable.

Here's an overview of the advantages Clean Sheet Scheduler brings airlines:

Boost your network’s profitability

Building a schedule from the ground up based on profitability lets airlines identify and prioritize routes that yield the highest returns. This is possible on a network-wide basis, or on a sub-set of your network. If you're opening a new aircraft base or increasing capacity through additional aircraft, Clean Sheet Scheduler will work out the most profitable way to deploy your resources.

Flexibility and responsiveness

Traditional scheduling methods can be rigid and time consuming, making it challenging to adapt to market changes. Using Clean Sheet Scheduler, airlines can swiftly respond to fluctuations in demand, competition and external factors.

Data driven decision making

Schedules and network planners benefit from being able to generate many more scenarios for comparison than would typically be possible. Adjusting Clean Sheet Scheduler's parameters allows every angle to be examined. This allows airline teams to consider all the options before making decisions. MP2 can consider both OD and local passengers.

Innovative route planning

Using Clean Sheet Scheduler, airline teams can explore unconventional routes, innovative connections and underserved markets with greater ease. This makes it possible to identify potential new customer segments and revenue streams to get ahead of the curve.

Maximizing resource utilization

Clean Sheet Scheduler generates schedules that maximize fleet utilization, a key profitability driver for airlines. Constraints such as aircraft and slot availability can be taken into account to ensure that the results generated maximize contribution.

Clean Sheet Scheduler is included in MP2 AeroStrategizer, our network planning module for airline users. It is also available as a standalone tool.

Contact Industrial Optimizers’ team for more information and to request a demonstration. You can find our contact details here.

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James Gardner James Gardner

Here's why optimization delivers bigger benefits than AI in airline network planning

There has been a lot in the news about artificial intelligence (AI) in recent weeks, not least due to the launch of ChatGPT and Google’s Bard AI.

At Industrial Optimizers, we are sure that AI will make a big impact on the aviation industry - not least on the B2C side in customer service and sales. However, we are equally sure that optimization will continue to be the method to offer the greatest benefits for airline network planning. In fact, we are so sure that we asked ChatGPT. And it didn’t disagree. Here’s what it had to say:

Optimization is (…) a better method than AI in certain situations, particularly when it comes to airline network planning.

One reason optimization is often preferred is that it is a more transparent and explainable approach. Optimization models are typically designed to maximize or minimize a specific objective function while satisfying a set of constraints. This means that the results of an optimization model are more easily interpretable and can be explained to stakeholders in a clear and concise manner. (…)

Another advantage of optimization is that it can provide more certainty around the results. Optimization models are based on mathematical algorithms that are designed to produce a specific output. This means that the results are often more reliable and can be used to make more accurate predictions about the airline network. In contrast, AI models can be more unpredictable and can produce unexpected results.

Finally, optimization is often more efficient than AI when it comes to airline network planning. Optimization models can be designed to solve specific problems quickly and efficiently, which is important when dealing with large amounts of data and complex airline networks. In contrast, AI models can require significant amounts of time and computational resources to train and implement.”

Industrial Optimizers’ MP2 suite of tools for airlines come with multiple optimizers that ensure airlines can maximize the profitability of their operation.

Want to find out more about MP2? Contact our team at to set up a demo.

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Zen Holmgren Zen Holmgren

New functionality for airline and airport users in MP²

Our MP² suite is constantly evolving as our development team add new features and improve existing functionality. Much of this work is done in response to feedback from the MP² community, our clients at leading global transportation operators.

Here’s an update of some of the most recent updates in MP²’s versions for airlines and airports.

Ground staff planning

In 2020, we launched MP² Airport, a powerful business intelligence and planning tool. Developed in consultation with launch client Avinor, MP² Airport enables fact-based planning of future resource requirements.  We’ve now added enhanced functionality for ground staff planning. Based on future schedules data, MP² Airport forecasts staff requirements at activity type level such as security, check-in and baggage handling. Useful for planning your airport’s own staffing needs, it can also help inform conversations with your service partners. MP² Airport includes a wealth of other functionality – including financial reporting, competitor analysis and business case generation. Click here for the full list.

Build meaningful partnerships and alliances

We have enhanced the power of our codeshare evaluation functionality in MP² Aero for airlines. Users can identify the most lucrative opportunities for partnerships and alliances. The solution builds on MP²’s powerful codeshare management, connection building and financial forecasting functionality. Bringing these together, users can determine the most valuable target airlines, routes or individual flights for codeshare agreements. Airlines can analyse effects on projected revenues, connectivity and market share. The tool can also be used to sense check existing partnership agreements.

Support for MCT data format changes

At the start of November, changes were made to the specifications that govern Minimum Connection Time data. Airlines can now add data records that allow for more easily preventing itineraries being built between carriers without interlining agreements.

 Our MP² airline and airport tools use MCT data to power various functionality, including the powerful Connection Builder and Connection Maximizer tools. The latest versions of MP² support the new format.

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Zen Holmgren Zen Holmgren

Avoid future resource requirement surprises with MP² Airport

Everyone has seen the headlines about airports struggling with the bounce back in passenger numbers during the last few months. Even if the coronavirus pandemic has been an exceptional situation, it has demonstrated the benefits of fact-based forward planning for resource requirements.

Industrial Optimizers’ business intelligence and planning tool for airports, MP² Airport, gives decision makers the data they need to make resource planning decisions ahead of time.

MP² Airport automates the consolidation of schedules data from multiple sources such as your airline clients, consolidation services such as OAG and even data from slot messages. It uses this to generate forecasts of future traffic levels and passenger numbers.

MP² Airport includes a wealth of other functionality for airport decision makers, planners and route development teams. This includes business case generation, competitor analysis and financial reporting.

For the full list of MP² Airport functionality, visit the decided product page by clicking here.

MP² Airport has been developed in cooperation with Avinor - operator of 44 airports across Norway with over 3000 staff members. Industrial Optimizers have over thirty years of experience in delivering software solutions to the commercial aviation sector.

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Zen Holmgren Zen Holmgren

Industrial Optimizers launch MP² Airport - a new powerful BI and planning tool for airports

Industrial Optimizers has launched MP² Airport, a new powerful business intelligence and planning tool for the airport community.

Based on the proven technology behind MP² Aero suite of solutions used by leading airlines, MP² Airport has been developed in consultation with launch client Avinor.

MP² Airport contains functionality for both commercial and operational planning at airports of all sizes.

Here is a summary of the key functionality:

Schedules management and analysis

MP² Airport brings all of your airline partners' schedules into one place for analysis and forecasting – it will save you time by integrating schedules received from multiple sources and with differing date ranges.

Reporting and forecasting

MP² Airport rapidly generates costed reports and forecasts to help inform decision making as well as simulating your future traffic development.

Demand forecasting

MP² Airport can incorporate external data sources such as DDS and MIDT data to create detailed market share forecasts – for both your airport and your competitors.

Competitor analysis

Identify and analyse your airport's connectivity – and compare it with competitors. Inform your discussions with airline partners.

Business case generation

Support your growth plans by informing your air service development activities using MP² Airport's vast array of functionality.

Enhance your B2C offering

MP² Airport offers web and mobile based itinerary search with connection building tools to help promote your airport's flight offering to consumers.

MP² Airport has been developed in consultation with launch client Avinor. Operating 44 airports across Norway, Avinor have provided feedback to ensure MP² Airport is designed with airport users' needs in mind.

Industrial Optimizers have over 30 years of experience with commercial aviation, with leading airlines using MP²'s suite of tools for airlines.

To find out more about MP² Airport, contact our team at

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Zen Holmgren Zen Holmgren

Industrial Optimizers has launched MP² Version 9


Industrial Optimizers has launched the most powerful version of MP² to date: MP² Version 9 is now shipping.

MP² Version 9 delivers new and enhanced functionality, increased performance power, as well as user interface improvements. MP² users now have even more ways to maximize the performance of their organization.

MP² now has full Origin-Destination passenger support for use in airline fleet and tail assignment optimization as well as decision support and reporting.

Even more powerful connection building, optimization and reporting for boosting connectivity and adjusting schedules to market conditions.

Automatic schedule creation features for agile analysis and adjustments to maximize your operation's profitability.

All MP² functionality works in the same familiar user interface - with full dynamic interaction so that you always have the full picture of your operation.

Here’s some more of the new and improved features available today in MP² Version 9:

  • Enhanced gantt charts including greater dynamic interactivity with list view, drag and drop and flexible colouring

  • Origin-Destination passenger handling is enhanced and extended to the entire MP2 suite of functionality

  • Enhanced schedules filtering features

  • New multiview graphics dashboard - with more business graphic options, maps, graphical reporting features, charts and more

  • Enhanced financial calculations ensuring MP² goes above and beyond any other tool when it comes to financial reporting and forecasting

  • Enhanced aircraft tail assignment - including cost/revenue optimized assignment, “drop line” optimization for allocating least profitable flights to same aircraft and user definable objectives for tail assignment (profitability, hours, cycles, maintenance and more)

  • Fleet assignment gets even more powerful and faster - and can be done on an OD or leg basis and take into account environmental emissions

  • Competitor analysis with even more insight - modify competitor schedules easily for simulation purposes, calculate OD and network contribution for competitors

  • Automatic schedules creation - Industrial Optimizers’ unique Clean Sheet Scheduler functionality is now included in the MP² AeroStrategizer package

  • Traffic system builder is now included in the MP² AeroScheduler Plus package for rapid user-defined schedules creation

  • Environmental emissions monitoring including calculations and reporting

  • Enhanced connection reporting

  • Slot Management enhanced with full support for turn around slots

  • MP² AeroCrew’s optimization functionality has improved performance, automatic base selection and sensitivity analysis for crew connection times

If you like to find out more about the power of MP² Version 9 and how it could support decision making and planning at your organization, contact Industrial Optimizers today.

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